Arcane Zoo uses a custom breeding roller, with all outcomes randomly generated on a 1-100 roll for each shared genetic aspect between both parents. Each parent’s markings and mutations will get a unique roll to see if they pass to each offspring, while physical traits compare type and rarity to set a physical trait per offspring.
Breeding between parents with the same shared trait types, markings or mutations will always provide a higher chance of passing that same trait to their kids. The following genetic aspects will be set during a breeding:
- Male: 47% chance.
- Female: 47% chance.
- Rebis: 6% chance.
Coat Color:
- Shared: 40% chance. 60% random coat color.
- Unshared: Random coat color.
- Shared Common: 60% pass 40% fail. One parent: 20% pass 80% fail.
- Shared Uncommon : 45% pass, 55% fail. One parent: 15% passes, 85% does not pass.
- Shared Rare: 30% pass, 70% fail. One parent: 10% pass, 90% fail.
- Shared Legendary: 25% pass, 75% fail. One parent: 6% pass, 94% fail.
- Shared: 20% passes, 80% does not pass. One parent: 6% passes, 94% does not pass.
- New mutation for each offspring: 5% random mutation.
Common Physical traits:
- Shared: Always passes to offspring.
- Unshared: Random common traits will always pass to offspring.
- Breeding to Uncommon trait: 60% random common trait, 40% random uncommon trait.
- Breeding to Rare trait: 60% random common trait, 20% random uncommon trait, 20% random rare trait.
- Breeding to Legendary trait: 50% random common trait, 40% random uncommon trait, 9% random rare trait, 1% random legendary trait.
Uncommon Physical traits:
- Shared: Passes 75% of the time, 23% random common trait, 2% chance of a random rare trait in offspring.
- Unshared: 75% chance of random uncommon trait, 25% chance of random common trait.
- Breeding to Rare trait: 20% random common trait, 60% random uncommon trait, 20% random rare trait.
- Breeding to Legendary trait: 40% random common trait, 50% uncommon trait, 9% random rare trait, 1% random legendary trait.
Rare physical traits:
Shared: Passes 50% of the time, 45% random uncommon trait, 5% chance of a random legendary trait in offspring.
Unshared: 50% chance of random rare trait, 30% chance of random uncommon trait, 20% chance of random common trait.
Breeding to Legendary trait: 40% random rare trait, 30% uncommon trait, 20% random common trait, 10% random legendary trait.
Legendary physical traits:
- Shared: Passes 30% of the time, 50% chance of random rare trait, 10% chance of random uncommon trait, 10% chance of random common trait.
- Unshared: 20% chance of random legendary trait, 40% chance of random rare trait, 30% chance of random uncommon trait, 10% chance of random common trait.