Happy New Year!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

With 2021 coming to a close, it's time to look to a newer, brighter year ahead both offline and in the game here!

We have a few things wrapping up and things to come, so let's take a look.

First 'The Giving' has closed and points have been tallied, you can see your totals here, and a new Raffle has been set using those.

  • Everyone that received a +1 on their total, currently has 3 tickets to the Raffle.
  • A list of unique Prizes will be shown tomorrow along with the Sale post.
  • This is a unique raffle, if you ended with a +1 total, and win any prize, you will also have the option to pick an ungifted item from your Wishlist from the Giving.
  • Everyone will once again have the option to enter one Ticket for free during the sale.
  • The Raffle will roll following the sale opening on the 11th.

Next, we have a new starter coming in a little late to the party, but he still wants to have a good time. Lang Syne also brings the Festive Marking to the Kirunhound starters.

Tomorrow starts our character creation item sale, Gift Box giveaways will be active where for any one bought you may gift a second to another player.

And finally a few things to look forward to in the very near future:

  • 'Design a Trait' contest.
  • Next step of the Balikin event will be moved forward.
  • 2 new Holiday Mutations.


Cheers to all!




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