The Mountain Sleeps... RESCUE!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by rooklinqs

The Mountain Sleeps Race, a long running and long praised event held within the height of winter in the foot hills of the Kotakaii range has once again crept up on the land. Or it should have, a recent turn of events has left the event on rocky footing and putting locals in danger.

Prior to the official sanctioned race, and all it's festivities, a small team of scouters will trek the paths and keep an eye out for any disruptions that might be stumbled on by contestants. A rock slide or missing bridge might mean life or death for unskilled racers. This team is usually made up of past winners and retired racers, so they should, in practice, be the most skilled at this task.

This year, the team went out and have not yet returned in what would be a reasonable time frame. Fearing something might have happened to them, a new team is being arranged on short notice, no matter their skills, the organizers need those with a strong will and lots of fur- it's going to be a cold quest.

All short noticed rescue team members will start at the camp at the base of the mountain, and team up to search the low lying hills for any clues. Perhaps a misplaced sign post or freshly turned rocks? Maybe looking to the local wildlife for any clues for areas to check, whatever the path, they need many of you out there looking as fast a storm is rolling in.


You can start your quest here!

This Holiday event will run until February 28th, with two secret prizes being raffled to those that enter once it closes. Players may finish the story line once per character, but can submit as many times as they want with unique characters to enter for additional item rewards, but will only be entered into the raffle once per completion of the four endings available. This means you can get 4 total tickets, 2 into each of the prize pools, but can keep getting the item rewards given for each step up the quest.

Good luck on your search rescue team.



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