The Final Showdown begins

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Lorekeeper

A tense journey engages, every creak, every wild howl from a distant beast setting the group on edge. A few of the warriors, healers and scientist all meet with brief standoffs against the local wildlife's rage, over all the team makes it to a clearing crackling with nervous energies and a break in the fog. A few steps in and Ryn Kei's aerial scouting team raise the alarm...

Ahead, a dark feathered Balikin perches on a twist husk of an ancient tree, a glowing staff similar to the one brought with the scouting team to Ull Cayons in one wing. The intense arcane magics that fill the breeze emanating form this staff surrounds a muddy pool formed by the stifled motions of a large eel like beast held in place, this must be the dragon guardian dragged from the Night Forest.

The Balikin turns to the group, grinning as they addresses the stunned congregation.

You made it all the way here? But no longer...only the TRUE supports of the Balikin's place as the undisputed keepers of the Last Dragons should stand here to help reset the dead Middle Lands.

Our winged brethren abandoned the middle lands when the Dragon Scions were killed, why go back for help now, why got back for help from these lesser beings that don't respect the true tides of the world. We NEED to return dragons to the world, by whatever force needed, and none will stand in my way.

Raising the staff, the dragon contained within the pool leaps frantically to send a muck filled wave at the group, forcing even the strongest amoung them backward, coated in muddy silt, rendering any organized rush at the mystery Balikin useless without them knowing.

It's time to make a quick decision on what to do now...

A new Prompt title 'The Final Showdown' is now live, and let's players pit their characters against this mysterious foe, your choice will shape future world lore.

Any character is included in this prompt, or the last one will be eligible for a special bonus after the event.





CAIVO Avatar

When will this prompt be ending? And will the bloom event be running this year

2024-08-24 01:59:26

Lorekeeper Avatar
Lorekeeper Staff Member

Aiming for end of September/very early October for this round.

And yes the Blooming Event is now active as a Prompt until the end of the month!

2024-08-27 11:48:53

CAIVO Avatar

Lets gooooooooooooooo!!

2024-08-20 14:24:30

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