Welcoming the New Champions

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Lorekeeper

The tides of the fight seems almost push back, the struggle against the magically controlled beasts and a dragon itself too much for the outmatched group. The gathering doing their best to dodge, and help out those battered in the chaos, and it the team seems all but impossible to get an upper hand.

In a moment of shifting luck, the great dragon slams just a bit too close to it's controller, sending Raliprana from their perch, and for a fleeting moment their grip on the powerful staff. The Guardian, seizes on that opening, smashing the very earth along with the rogue Balikin, and the battle stills for what seems like eons, as the dust clears.

As beast back down from combat and turn to rejoin the stillness of the forests, it seems you've come out victorious, the staff reclaims by the Balikin of the Night Forest, freeing their Guardian from control. However, it seems with no trace left behind, Raliprana has made an escape before being captured.

Still on guard for any desperate last attack, and the team protected by the great water dragon return to the home camp of the Night Forest to report the outcome. While some healing of the damage to both the Night Forest and Time Gap Cliffs is still needed, for now at least the threat seems to be withheld. Some react with full relief, others quiet hesitation, was Raliprana the one stealing eggs, perhaps there still more damage to done here?

For our heroes that joined the battle, there is nothing but support, warm welcomes, and gratitude. Some heading back to their native lands to rest and heal up, others sticking around to help rebuilding and keeping patrols withe locals.

All are now welcome to travel between the Night Forest and Time Gap Cliffs, your presence is no longer a threat here, but a blessing, and one of the elder mages from the group offers to make that a permanent mark on any that aided the final battle as a sign of their friendship.


Balikin are now live in game, go hatch that egg, submit your Import designs, and breed starters!

  • Use the 'Feathering the Nests' Prompt to submit your egg final.
  • Submit your Egg MYO like you would any other character.

Characters may also now use the new lands as their Homeland setting.

Any character that submitted art or writing for the Prompts 'Across the Red Lands' or 'The Final Showdown' and wish to earn a special Marking, submit a Claim with the following info:

  • Character Import link
  • Link to Approved Submission on site

Raffles for entering have been rolled:

  • An Extra RNG Balikin Egg goes to @CAVIO
  • A custom Unique Yens design to @CAVIO
  • And since no one got a ticket to the Egg add on Raffle, I pulled another winner from the other two pools for rooklinqs

(Prizes will be going out shortly!)




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