The Great Explores Sales Event

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

As June begins to roll in it's time for our once year special item sale that helps cover the game hosting bill for another year, and with that a few special things always come up for sale.


On June 12th the event will kick off and close up on June 21st.

Once it opens players will have access to two special Raffles, and a special item bundle this year. Both Raffles will house some special characters I've dubbed 'The Great Explores', and include two fully designed Alters and two unique Genos. Further details on these four will be coming soon and introduce one of the upcoming July Monthly Mutations early!


Raffle One is an item swap style event, where players can enter by providing items to be added to the prize pool.

  • The Prize pool will include two of the special characters along with a few rare items provided by staff, so everyone entering has an equal chance at winning something cool.
  • Players may enter this raffle two times each, all items are welcome, but some more valuable items such as Azoths will be given extra tickets when entered.

Raffle Two will be done via the Item Sale, both by purchases of Tribute Points and by buying additional entries.

  • The Prize pool will include two of the special characters along with high end Azoths, and other boosts.
  • You can grab as many entries as you want, more prizes will be added to grow along with entries.
  • All purchase of Tribute Points $10 will receive an extra Ticket, $25 will receive two extra Tickets and $50 will receive five extra Tickets.
  • Tickets will cost 4TP from the Sale Shop during the event for anyone to buy.



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