Time for a romp in the Painted Poppies

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by CAIVO

Every August a special botanical event erupts across Azorna, the blooming of the Painted Poppy. For one month these endless colored flowers spring up across all regions and even the snowiest tundra sees small patches. The joyful touch of color is seen as a sign of the height of the summer seasons and treated to it's own holiday in various areas. During this time the newly born young seem to have a little extra color to their coats or unique changes to their forms, sometimes atributated directly to the local flower bloom.

During this month players can submit 1 additional breeding for themselves for a total of 4. This will revert back to 3 total on August 30th


This month embraces all forms of love, both romantic and platonic, Painted Poppies are gathered and shared between family, friends and mates, across all speices and races of the lands. This act strenghtens bonds between teams at work, down to parents and children. Those that share deeper romantic relationships will take a trip to enjoy the wild flower fields directly.

A new Prompt is now active to enjoy this event, and will end on the 31st.


Starting on August 13th a monthly Character Creation Sale will also happen. Players will get access to additional Painted Bloom Boxes this time, and we'll be hosting another Geno drop off for raffle.


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