Site News

Design a Trait Contest

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

Get your pencils ready, and open your imagination, it's time to let players design new Traits for the game!

Both artists and writers are welcome to join the fun, you don't need to design the trait, just describe it to count as an entry. Players may submit up to 3 entries total, and can win for multiple categories. Designs will be put to public voting to pick winners. In the case of voting ties, players who have NOT won a Trait yet will be picked.

Kirunhound, Popokee, and Balikin are all open for Trait submissions.

Kirunhound and Popokee entries will be available after the contest, but Balikin Trait winners will be added after the story event to allow everyone equal chance on rolling their first Balikin egg.

Entries will be allowed until April 30th, with voting in early May.

Written submissions need to include the following:
  • Name of Trait.
  • Which species will use this Trait and which type of Trait it is.
  • Detailed description of how this Trait looks.
  • General sizing, and shape of Trait.
  • If markings will affect it or not.
  • Any additional notes about optional effects or interactions this Trait might have with other Traits or Mutations, ect.
Drawn submissions need to include the following:
  • Name of Trait.
  • Which species will use this Trait and which type of Trait it is.
  • Edited Template showing the Trait on the Species. (More than one option drawn if Trait has variations in size, shape or placement!)
  • Template Files: Kirunhound Popokee Balikin
  • If markings will affect it or not.
  • Any additional notes about optional effects or interactions this Trait might have with other Traits or Mutations, ect.
Some things to keep in mind:
  • Traits should only be used on one Species.
  • Trait Names should not currently be in use by other Traits in game.
  • Traits should fit the game lore, and not be too silly or break canon.
  • Traits should not heavily resemble current game Traits or pull heavily from other media such as TV shows, movies or video games.
  • Traits should not include Marking like aspects, and only adjust the body part it uses.
  • Balikin Traits will not be added until AFTER the final event storyline.
  • Small adjustments or name changes may be done to winning entries to better fit lore.
  • Entries will be sorted based on how well staff feel each fits into the C/UC/R/L levels.

All entries will be sorted into these categories, with one winner for each:

  • Kirunhound Common or Uncommon Trait
  • Kirunhound Rare or Legendary Trait
  • Popokee Common or Uncommon Trait
  • Popokee Rare or Legendary Trait
  • Balikin Common or Uncommon Trait
  • Balikin Rare or Legendary Trait

Winners will get the following prizes:

  • 1000 Kouneen
  • x2 Breeding Vouchers
  • x1 Touched Charm (Allows a player to change a Trait on a Geno or Azoth created character to their Winning trait when submitting an Import)

To enter, just reply to his News post with the require form for either Writing or Artwork above.

The Race is Saved, and upcoming events!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

With all the aid being poured in, and every last team member accounted for, the organizers of the Mountain Sleeps Race have deemed the path safe for the racers to continue onward.

For all the help provided everyone that entered will be receiving Raffle Tickets to two different special items, first 'The Ghost' and second, a mystery Familiar. depending oh which endings they've completed.

  • If you started a step one for this event, you will have an extra week to complete the last step.
  • All submissions using the Continuation need to be submitted by March 15th.
  • On march 15th, we'll be holding the bi-mothly Character Creation Item sale, and it will run until March 20th.
  • During this Sale, everyone will get a chance to add extra tickets to the raffle, regardless if they entered the event or not.


Toward the end of March we'll also be hosting the first 'Design a Trait' contest to let players add some new traits to the game, so keep an eye out for that announcement.

The Mountain Sleeps... RESCUE!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by rooklinqs

The Mountain Sleeps Race, a long running and long praised event held within the height of winter in the foot hills of the Kotakaii range has once again crept up on the land. Or it should have, a recent turn of events has left the event on rocky footing and putting locals in danger.

Prior to the official sanctioned race, and all it's festivities, a small team of scouters will trek the paths and keep an eye out for any disruptions that might be stumbled on by contestants. A rock slide or missing bridge might mean life or death for unskilled racers. This team is usually made up of past winners and retired racers, so they should, in practice, be the most skilled at this task.

This year, the team went out and have not yet returned in what would be a reasonable time frame. Fearing something might have happened to them, a new team is being arranged on short notice, no matter their skills, the organizers need those with a strong will and lots of fur- it's going to be a cold quest.

All short noticed rescue team members will start at the camp at the base of the mountain, and team up to search the low lying hills for any clues. Perhaps a misplaced sign post or freshly turned rocks? Maybe looking to the local wildlife for any clues for areas to check, whatever the path, they need many of you out there looking as fast a storm is rolling in.


You can start your quest here!

This Holiday event will run until February 28th, with two secret prizes being raffled to those that enter once it closes. Players may finish the story line once per character, but can submit as many times as they want with unique characters to enter for additional item rewards, but will only be entered into the raffle once per completion of the four endings available. This means you can get 4 total tickets, 2 into each of the prize pools, but can keep getting the item rewards given for each step up the quest.

Good luck on your search rescue team.


Happy New Year!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

With 2021 coming to a close, it's time to look to a newer, brighter year ahead both offline and in the game here!

We have a few things wrapping up and things to come, so let's take a look.

First 'The Giving' has closed and points have been tallied, you can see your totals here, and a new Raffle has been set using those.

  • Everyone that received a +1 on their total, currently has 3 tickets to the Raffle.
  • A list of unique Prizes will be shown tomorrow along with the Sale post.
  • This is a unique raffle, if you ended with a +1 total, and win any prize, you will also have the option to pick an ungifted item from your Wishlist from the Giving.
  • Everyone will once again have the option to enter one Ticket for free during the sale.
  • The Raffle will roll following the sale opening on the 11th.

Next, we have a new starter coming in a little late to the party, but he still wants to have a good time. Lang Syne also brings the Festive Marking to the Kirunhound starters.

Tomorrow starts our character creation item sale, Gift Box giveaways will be active where for any one bought you may gift a second to another player.

And finally a few things to look forward to in the very near future:

  • 'Design a Trait' contest.
  • Next step of the Balikin event will be moved forward.
  • 2 new Holiday Mutations.


Cheers to all!



The Giving Holiday Event

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

With many holiday sliding in as the last months of the year Arcane Zoo will be taking a small wind down period as we  head into 2022.

This break time allows players to enjoy time off, catch up on non event art and writing, and give staff some time to regroup and rest.This break also give Skulldog some extra time to catch up on site art for items, as well as future Monthly Mutations and new Markings.

A few small things will happen during this time, the first is an event to celebrate sharing and gift giving.

'The Giving'

Using this thread in the forums players can now start creating a 'Wishlist',and offer up some things they've been eyeing in game. Players may ask for 3 different things on these and are encouraged to help fill other players wishes if you happen to have what they're looking for. These can contain the following requests:

  • Items you want in game but currently don't have
  • Genos with certain traits you're looking for
  • Art and Writing request for characters in game
  • Designs for Genos or Citizens you own

The Giving will last until January 1st, and once done, staff will tally who gave and who got gifts from their list and using that hold one final Raffle for the year.


Breeding Permissions have undergone a huge change

This chance is to allow players to sell and trade their character's slots without having to send Claims into staff for approval, instead as you level up a character now, they will be given Permissions as a form of currency that you can give out to other players and include usage rules on the slot itself. This also allows for in game items that allow players to add extra Permissions to characters that have maxed out their limits.

One thing to be aware of with this change, permissions are now tied to a single player and may not be used by other players for a breeding, with the exception of splits when allowed.

Characters that have used breedings under the old tracked system have been updated, and any character leveling up from here will be given these Permission Items in their Character Bank to use.

Welcome Winter Time

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

After a long and  spooky month, things seem to go quiet again, although citizen beware, The Fear is now tired of hiding and joins the NPCs of the game for future events. Player may now use her in breedings with a Festive Breeding Voucher.

Now for all that Candy, players may submit Claims , attaching any Candy they wish to spend on the items below:
  • White Azoth -  30 Candy
  • Fractured Azoth - 5 Candy
  • Gift Package - 5 Candy
  • Festive Breeding Voucher - 2 Candy
  • Random Rare Item - 1 Candy
  • 1 TP - 2 Candy
  • Painted Pollen - 1 Candy
  • Oddbark Brew - 2 Candy
And some winners for the Raffle:
  • MYO Changling Token - OctoberGeist
  • x2 Festive Breeding Vouchers + Hayyan's Blessing - MostlyMoose
  • White Azoth - Hoata
  • MYO Yens Familair Token (Random element will be picked) - rooklinqs
  • MYO Klingka Familair Token (Random element will be picked) - Twewme



And some extra Candy for 3 runner ups!

Hoata Twewme rooklinqs


With winter rolling in, Arcane Zoo will go into a slower mode for the rest of the year, giving players time to enjoy their holiday with friends and family, and staff here to take some time off. (And I want to catch up some new site art!)

We will be running one event that will start in a few weeks and run until January 1st.  So get thinking about some wishlists, and gather up some gifts to give out, details will be incoming soon.

Raffle Winners and September Closures

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

And let's give a big congratulations for our winners!

  • x2 Festive Breeding Vouchers, Hayyan's Blessing + Baya's Tincture - Hoata
  •  Fractured Azoth + Random Crasis - Twewme
  • 50 TP - rooklinqs
  • A Holiday Mutation to be added to a Geno bred during September. (Player may pick which to add this to.) - OctoberGeist (USED)

Items are being sent out shortly.

September Closures -

Skulldog here! Over the whole of September I will be out of the country and will be limited in my access to the internet for a lot of that time. Due to this some in game activities will be closed over the month. Here's what to keep in mind:

  • All character approvals will be on hold, including art updates to Imports. This covers MYOs starters and Genos.
  • Location and Familiar rolls will be handled when I return on the 28th.
  • All other game activities will handled by the wonderful staff, however anything that might need my input may be delayed until I can take a look.

Once back, there some fun mini events planned for fall time adventures, and some new Holiday Mutations to come.

The Fear is Here

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

After a month away, I have returned and with that we move into the best month of the year, and a small Halloween themed event in game.

Dare You Go Out?:

A new Prompt is now active for all of October, and can be found here.

There is no limit to submissions this round and each approved submission will receive between 1 to 10 Candy items.

Following the end of the event November 1st:

  • 'The Fear' will be added as a breedable NPC.
  • All Candy collected can be turned in for Prizes.
  • Prizes include premade Familiars with art by Skulldog , breeding items, Azoths, plus a few more things.

Monthly Sale and Raffle:

Starting October 16th a month character creation sale will go up, and a raffle will be held. This month's special prize will be a MYO Changeling Token.


Time for a romp in the Painted Poppies

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by CAIVO

Every August a special botanical event erupts across Azorna, the blooming of the Painted Poppy. For one month these endless colored flowers spring up across all regions and even the snowiest tundra sees small patches. The joyful touch of color is seen as a sign of the height of the summer seasons and treated to it's own holiday in various areas. During this time the newly born young seem to have a little extra color to their coats or unique changes to their forms, sometimes atributated directly to the local flower bloom.

During this month players can submit 1 additional breeding for themselves for a total of 4. This will revert back to 3 total on August 30th


This month embraces all forms of love, both romantic and platonic, Painted Poppies are gathered and shared between family, friends and mates, across all speices and races of the lands. This act strenghtens bonds between teams at work, down to parents and children. Those that share deeper romantic relationships will take a trip to enjoy the wild flower fields directly.

A new Prompt is now active to enjoy this event, and will end on the 31st.


Starting on August 13th a monthly Character Creation Sale will also happen. Players will get access to additional Painted Bloom Boxes this time, and we'll be hosting another Geno drop off for raffle.

The Great Explores Sales Event

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

As June begins to roll in it's time for our once year special item sale that helps cover the game hosting bill for another year, and with that a few special things always come up for sale.


On June 12th the event will kick off and close up on June 21st.

Once it opens players will have access to two special Raffles, and a special item bundle this year. Both Raffles will house some special characters I've dubbed 'The Great Explores', and include two fully designed Alters and two unique Genos. Further details on these four will be coming soon and introduce one of the upcoming July Monthly Mutations early!


Raffle One is an item swap style event, where players can enter by providing items to be added to the prize pool.

  • The Prize pool will include two of the special characters along with a few rare items provided by staff, so everyone entering has an equal chance at winning something cool.
  • Players may enter this raffle two times each, all items are welcome, but some more valuable items such as Azoths will be given extra tickets when entered.

Raffle Two will be done via the Item Sale, both by purchases of Tribute Points and by buying additional entries.

  • The Prize pool will include two of the special characters along with high end Azoths, and other boosts.
  • You can grab as many entries as you want, more prizes will be added to grow along with entries.
  • All purchase of Tribute Points $10 will receive an extra Ticket, $25 will receive two extra Tickets and $50 will receive five extra Tickets.
  • Tickets will cost 4TP from the Sale Shop during the event for anyone to buy.