[Closed] March Character Creation Item Sale

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Lorekeeper

It's that time once again!

This month anyone that purchases 20 TP or more will also receive a Ticket to a Random Raffle. Anyone that purchases 40 TP or more with get a Ticket into both Raffles.

A special shop named 'The Creator's Stall' is now available and remain on site until the 21th.

While TP can be earned from gathering, quests and events in game, players may only buy it directly during these bi-monthly sale openings.

Here's how to buy your Tribute Points:
    • Comment on this post with the amount of TP you want, (2TP=1USD,  so 50TP would be $25 and so on.)
    • Send payment when prompted to. Paypal and CashApp will both be available options.
    • Submit a Claim once payment is sent, linking your comment on the Sales Post for the needed URL.
    • Once payment is confirmed the Claim will be approved and TP (and any bonus items) will be added to your account.
Geno Turn In

The chaos of searching for lost trackers on the mountain, a lot of mess was left behind, a few brave new adventures as now needed to help clean up,  any young Geno MYOs that hit ONE Trait and ONE marking from these sets will be eligible.

  • Kirunhound: Standard Scale OR Poison Tail + Plated OR Marbled Marking
  • Kirunhound: Fishback Scale Type OR Hind Horn Type + Chevron OR Serpent Marking
  • Kirunhound: Stone Location OR Fierce Body Type + Fawn OR Streak Marking
  • Kirunhound: Healer Horn Type OR Celeste Coat Color + Full Tiger OR Tear Marking
  • Popokee: Sunset Coat Color OR Delicate Tail Type + Killer OR Pollen Marking
  • Popokee: Dual Magic OR Back Plant Location + Oil Slick OR Ice Strike Marking
  • Bonus: If any Geno turned in ALSO have these Mutations you will receive 5TP on top of the reward - Kirunhound: Multi Popokee: Scripted.

Any player that has a Geno MYO that hits one of these numbered sets, can volunteer their kids to start work clearing the forests and trails. (Genos turned in this way will be removed from game and can not returned, so pick their fate wisely!) For each Geno turned int this way, you will receive x2 Tickets to the raffle one for reach prize.

To submit your Genos, just submit a Claim with them attached!

Mountain Sleeps Race Raffle
  • Alter character 'The Ghost'
  • A snowy Familiar

All players can enter for one free ticket by commenting to this post with your favorite breed of dog.  (Raffle will be randomly picked between Ghost and Familiar.)

This will close on the 20th, and then the Raffle will be rolled on March 21st.



rooklinqs Avatar
rooklinqs Staff Member

Of you go my children, to the mountains

Standard Scale + Plated:
- https://www.arcanezoo.com/myo/875

Healer + Tear:
- https://www.arcanezoo.com/myo/415
- https://www.arcanezoo.com/myo/435

Celeste + Tear:
- https://www.arcanezoo.com/myo/765

Back Plant + Ice Strike
- https://www.arcanezoo.com/myo/384

2022-03-15 19:34:04 (Edited 2022-03-15 19:34:28)

Lorekeeper Avatar
Lorekeeper Staff Member

Genos hired, and tickets added!

2022-03-17 18:48:53

Sarracenia Avatar

I have gone through deep thought! My favorite breed of dog is the borzoi. Long snout… but being honest I like most dogs

2022-03-15 17:38:57

Lorekeeper Avatar
Lorekeeper Staff Member

Ticket added!

2022-03-15 23:00:46

rooklinqs Avatar
rooklinqs Staff Member

I'd like to purchase 40TP please!
And my favourite breed of dog would have to be either Border Collie or Borzoi!

2022-03-15 17:34:37

Lorekeeper Avatar
Lorekeeper Staff Member

Ticket added!

2022-03-15 22:59:34

Lorekeeper Avatar
Lorekeeper Staff Member

You can send $20 to either of these payment sources:
Skulldog@theSkulldog.com for PayPal
$Skulldog for CashApp.

Once you've made payment, send a Claim linking your comment for the needed URL.

2022-03-15 22:57:56

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