
<a href=" of the Bold" class="display-item">Tincture of the Bold</a>

Tincture of the Bold

Category: Tinctures

Changes one Common or Uncommon Marking to a new randomly selected one.

Antimony. Raw Crystal. Coral X2. Firebird Feather X3. White Feathers X5. Sharkskin X5


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<a href=" of the Bolder" class="display-item">Tincture of the Bolder</a>

Tincture of the Bolder

Category: Tinctures

Changes one Common or Uncommon Marking to another marking of equal rarity of the player’s choice.

Antimony. Raw Crystal. Coral X2. Firebird Feather X3. White Feathers X5. Sharkskin X5. Any 3 Color Dyes.

<a href=" of the Boldest" class="display-item">Tincture of the Boldest</a>

Tincture of the Boldest

Category: Tinctures

Changes one Rare or Legendary Marking to another marking of equal rarity of the player’s choice.

Antimony. Raw Crystal. Coral X2. Firebird Feather X3. White Feathers X5. Sharkskin X5. One of each of the Color Dyes.

<a href=" of the True Soul" class="display-item">Tincture of the True Soul</a>

Tincture of the True Soul

Category: Tinctures

Chances the sex of a character. The Player may choose the new sex.

Antimony. Emerald Tablet. Fish Oil X2. Mountain Flower X2. Shark Tooth X3. Striped Feathers X5

<a href=" of Elements" class="display-item">Tincture of Elements</a>

Tincture of Elements

Category: Tinctures

Changes a character’s Coat Color to a new randomly selected one.

Antimony. Mutant Hide. Colorful Feathers X5 Firestar Flower X5


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<a href=" of the Changeling" class="display-item">Tincture of the Changeling</a>

Tincture of the Changeling

Category: Tinctures

Changes a character’s Mutation to a randomly selected new one.

Antimony. Gold Idol. Mammoth Tusk X2. Polished Stone X2. Perfect Bone X3. Geode X5

<a href=" of New Start" class="display-item">Tincture of New Start</a>

Tincture of New Start

Category: Tinctures

Allows a player to change one parent on the Lineage of Citizen characters or characters created with Fractured Azoths. This Tincture may only be used before a character has completed their first breeding.

Antimony, Intact Scroll, Strange Claws, Retractable Claws, Fur Scraps X5, Healing Leaf X5

<a href=" of Reform" class="display-item">Tincture of Reform</a>

Tincture of Reform

Category: Tinctures

Allows a player to change a single Trait to a randomly selected new one of equal rarity. Usable only on Genos created in breedings and Fractured Azoths.

Antimony, Wooly Hide, Firebird Feather X3, Mammoth Tusk x3, Holy Ash X5

<a href=" of the Bold+" class="display-item">Tincture of the Bold+</a>

Tincture of the Bold+

Category: Tinctures

Changes one  Marking of any rarity to a new randomly selected one.

Tincture of the Bold, Firebird Spice.

<a href=" of Elements+" class="display-item">Tincture of Elements+</a>

Tincture of Elements+

Category: Tinctures

Changes a character’s Coat Color to a new one selected by the player.

Tincture of Elements, Rainbow Spice

<a href=" of the Changeling+" class="display-item">Tincture of the Changeling+</a>

Tincture of the Changeling+

Category: Tinctures

Changes a character’s Mutation to a new one selected by the player.

Tincture of the Changeling, Wisdom Spice

<a href=" of Reform+" class="display-item">Tincture of Reform+</a>

Tincture of Reform+

Category: Tinctures

Allows a player to change a single Trait to another one of equal rarity. Usable only on Genos created in breedings and Fractured Azoths.

Tincture of Reform, Wind Spice

<a href="'s Tincture" class="display-item">Baya's Tincture</a>

Baya's Tincture

Category: Tinctures

Increases the odds of random Mutations during breeding by 10%.

<a href="’s Tincture" class="display-item">Owahi’s Tincture</a>

Owahi’s Tincture

Category: Tinctures

Increases the odds of random Mutations during breeding by 5%.


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14 results found.