Stygian Waste

Main Land

Can be home to characters.

The rocky, ice laden tundra to the far North.

Accessible only from a small rocky pass above the extended territory of the Voltlund Coast; the Stygian Wastes are a cold, sprawling flat land with little growth or native plant life.

As the first mass exploration by main land travelers is done, more information will be shared.

Gatherable Items:

Aether Drop, Mutant Hide, Prime Hide, Balikin Feathers, Lichen, Cloth, Polished Stone, Glass Shards, Lapis, Perfect Bone, Strange Claws, Curved Horns, Black Crystal, Platinum Ore, Mammoth Tusk

Contains the following

Discovery Location: Iceflame Arch


Miscellanous: Horned Sealuga