
Core Wings

Core Wings (Common)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Simple wings with no uniquly defined features.

North Wings

North Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Lightly furred smooth wings, with small claws. Fur may appear in patches, or cover the whole wing. Fur will be in the coat color range, but may be different that the rest of the body. Markings will not affect fur on Northern Balikin wings.

South Wings

South Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Southern Balikin have fully feathered wings, which may have a unique color in soft gradient along the tips.

East Wings

East Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Eastern Balikin have large gliding flaps with more defined fingers in place of full wings. This wing type may have a soft pinkening to the skin.

West Wings

West Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Western Balikin wings are more akin to large flippers, with stubby fingers and short furring.

Night Forest Wings

Night Forest Wings (Rare)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Smooth skin wings, with prominent clawed edges.

Tundra Wings

Tundra Wings (Rare)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Heavily furred wings with distinct rocky claws that stand out. May have feathered tips, or smooth furred areas. Markings will carry over into fur on wings.

Ancient Fire Wings

Ancient Fire Wings (Legendary)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

A pair of dual wings, with the second set being smaller than the main. Can be be smooth, or feathered.

Ancient Ice Wings

Ancient Ice Wings (Legendary)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Strips of ribbon like material or ‘Celestial Banners’, as few as two may be present. These wings may also have a smooth overlay along the arm.


Phoenix (Legendary)

Category: Wing Type
Species: Balikin

Creates a glowing, trailing effect to the edge of the wing, and can use any Wing Trait as it's base design. The wing itself may fade out at the edge where there glow begins, or stay solid with the glow emitting on it's own. Markings may carry over into the glow when in range. Glow can be any solid color, and may vary slightly across the wing.

Designed by OctoberGeist

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