Fleet of Foot (Common)
Category: Skills
Lowers chance of an injury during ‘World Walker’ or ‘Discovery’ Quests by 5%.
Steel Foot (Rare)
Category: Skills
Character will re-roll a missed attack once per battle. Character gets a 10% boost to Weaponsmithing Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.
Mystic Vision (Rare)
Category: Skills
Character is in tune with the otherworldly. Character gets a 10% boost to Alchemy Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.
When an AETHER item is attched in a Gathering, will add +2 commom gathering item on a roll.
Honor Student (Rare)
Category: Skills
Character will re-roll a missed attack once per battle. Character gets a 10% boost to Science Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.
Painted Soul (Legendary)
Category: Skills
Increases the odds of passing any common and uncommon markings when breeding.
15 results found.