
Extrovert (Common)

Category: Skills

Paired with Introvert. When included in two or more character scenes, this character earns +2SP per creative submission.(Bonus does not apply to other character’s SP counts.)

Introvert (Common)

Category: Skills

Paired with Extrovert. Even when drawn on their own, this character will meet requirements for multiple character submissions. (Story and World events only, unique events that require gifted rewards do not trigger this skill.)

Fleet of Foot (Common)

Category: Skills

Lowers chance of an injury during ‘World Walker’ or ‘Discovery’ Quests by 5%.

Wild (Common)

Category: Skills

Character is still very feral.

Gets +1 Common Gathering drop when outside Homelone.

Restless (Uncommon)

Category: Skills

Paired with Laid Back. Character requires less sleep to function. During battles this character will get a 10% advantage with speed on the first round of a fight.

Laid Back (Uncommon)

Category: Skills

Paired with Restless. Character needs extra time to rest. Character will get 10% boost to strategy on the first round of a fight.

Scrappy (Uncommon)

Category: Skills

Always adds 1+ to Mainland gahtering, and +2 when outside Homeland. (Does not count for Locations outside the Azornia Main Lands.)

Warrior (Uncommon)

Category: Skills

Character is highly trained and may earn the Trained bonus for one Region outside their Homeland. Will take 10% less damage on the first attack during a fight.

Fertile (Rare)

Category: Skills

15% chance of twins during breeding. (Twin effect will clone one random offspring with the same coat color/markings/traits. Sex and mutations will still be uniquely rolled for this twin.)

Hungry (Rare)

Category: Skills

Character enjoys food.  Character gets 10% boost to Culinary Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.

When a FOOD item is attched in a Gathering, will add +2 commom gathering item on a roll.

Steel Foot (Rare)

Category: Skills

Character will re-roll a missed attack once per battle. Character gets a 10% boost to Weaponsmithing Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.

Mystic Vision (Rare)

Category: Skills

Character is in tune with the otherworldly. Character gets a 10% boost to Alchemy Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.

When an AETHER item is attched in a Gathering, will add +2 commom gathering item on a roll.

Honor Student (Rare)

Category: Skills

Character will re-roll a missed attack once per battle. Character gets a 10% boost to Science Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.

Painted Soul (Legendary)

Category: Skills

Increases the odds of passing any common and uncommon markings when breeding.

Everodd (Legendary)

Category: Skills

Increases the odds of passing a new mutation when breeding.

15 results found.