Pastoral (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of May.
Those that roam the wild land and sea will attune to the lowest and most versatile of plant life during the time of growth.
Pastoral alters the colors of all coats, markings and mutations, making them pastel tones or toning other natural colors down to a lighter, more soft range. Optionally, eyes may take on this soft color, or remain brightly colored.
- Kirunhound: All scales can now be lightly broken up at the edges and have added moss or small mushrooms. Horns may also have a single mushroom or plant growth.
- Popokee: All manes can now be replaced with lush grass and reed in place of hair or fur, Popokee with No Mane trait may instead place a single tiny grass patch within the mane range. Additional algae will grow near their plant, adding a green, blue or white space nearby in a solid shape, or a soft gradient.
Lithic (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of March
The wise and grounded earn the strenght of the stones.
Lithic allows for a rough texture and cracking to be added to 50% of the body, and may be a solid section or fade into the rest of the body. Markings that touch this area may be changed to appear carved into the stone.
Optional, small patches of mossy growth may be included with the stones portions.
- Kirunhound: Horns, claws and scales may all take on a rough rocky look, where the Scale Location sits may also have small patches of grass added.
- Popokee: Horns, tusks and hooves may all take on a rough rocky look, plants may be replaced with rocky shards or plating. Barnacles may be added to the area that rock covers the body.
- Balikin: All Tail Traits may have large rough rocky tips, and the snout may take on a rocky toothed beak like appearance. Legs may include large patches of hanging grasses or moss.
Jetsam (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of June
The deepest, darkest depths bring out strange and mysterious lights.
Jetsam allows for traits that resemble deep sea fish to be added along with an additional marking. Tail Trait may be turned into a series of tentaclese similar to octopi, or a webbed skirt similar to a squid or cuttlefish, this trait may have an additional color added to the base coast. Colorful gills may be added to the neck or ribcage. Eyes may be turned solid black with swirls and star fields.
The additional marking creates a series of lines and dots that flows from the face along the upper body, and may also include the same patterns up the front legs. This may be any solid color.
- Kirunhound: Noses may be removed and facial features may more resemble seals or sealions. Ears can take on fin like qualities.
- Popokee: Plants can take on tentacle like traits, and a patch on the neck or lower belly may take on colorful, nebulous look.
Sport Fish (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of September
The sleekest of trophies will gain the scales of winners.
Sport Fish will add fish like traits to to the body in the form of scales, gills and additional fins. Scales may be small and rounded, large and armored or a mix across the body. Scale can cover the upper back and head, or the lower belly and neck, but not both. Scales may also be any color with some variation, fading into coat colors or take on markings. Fins may resemble sharks or fish, and may also be up to two different colors and take on markings.- Kirunhound: Ears, nose and horns may be removed to create a smooth head. Tails may be thicker and more fish like, but keep their normal tip.
- Popokee: May change legs into more prehistoric flippers with fins or shark like traits, as well as change their tail into a fish like fin or mix fins with the current Trait. Popokee may also have large barbels on the face.
Devoted (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of February
The loved and the longing will be pierced by arrows.
Devoted allows for the addition of up to six weapon like objects to be pierced into a character's design, this includes things like arrows, swords, spears, hooks and staves. These objects should not appear bloody or injurious in anyway. Objects may completed go through a design, or simply be stuck in one end.
The additional marking may be added where these items enter, and can take simple shapes such as bull's eyes, star burst or hearts. These marking can be any single color with light gradation within it's range.
- Kirunhound: Horns may be replaced with one of the objects and may take on traits of the horn in his location.
- Popokee: Plants may be pierced by one of the objects and take on some plant like qualities in this location.
- Balikin: The top finger of the wing may be replaced with one of the objects, and the edge of the wings may carry the marking along it's edge.
Thorn (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of December
The harshest weather creates the sharpest hearts.
Thorn allows for a series of up to eight symmetrical sharp points to be added anywhere on the body, these can vary in size and be smooth or textured like bark or wood. Thorn colors can be variations on the coat color, black, white or take on markings, an additional soft bleed of base color may extend from each thorn. Additional wood areas for all species may be any color, or take on shaded natural wood colors.
The additional marking that resemble thorny bramble may be added anywhere on the body, and cover two locations at most. (i.e legs and head, body and tail, or head and tail.) This marking may be black, white or darker or lighter versions of the coat color.
- Kirunhound: Horns may take on the appearance of knotted wood or branches. An additional patch of wood like area may extend around the scales.
- Popokee: One additional thorn may be added to the tail in any location. An additional patch of wood like area may extend around the plant location.
Hallow (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of October.
The lost and longing will take on traits of specters.
Hallow will create a ghostly effect, turning eyes solid white, red or black with a trailing glow. Tails and manes will fade into either mist, trailing glow of any color or both. An additional mist like Marking will be added to up to 50% of the body, this may be any color.- Kirunhound: Horns may be doubled up with a smaller version located on the head. Horns that are already doubled like Ram, may add an additional Common Horn Trait to the head. A personal symbol similar to Popokee's can be added.
- Popokee: A ghostly copy of their plant may be added anywhere on the body regardless of Plant Location Trait. No Plant trait Popokee may add a ghostly plant to the face or tail. Any horns, teeth or spikes present in a design may add additional ghostly copies.
Scorched (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of March.
The ancient and worn, will still burn like embers.
Scorched allows for the addition of charred wood, stone or other organic materials to the body, as well as turning some elements into this material. All areas should be the same material, and may be any color, with some gradients or variant. These charred areas may have thin lines or spots of glowing embers within them. This glow may be any color but black or white.
An additional marking may be added around any area that contains a charred element, and will be a patchy, ash like area that is darker or lighter than the coat color, and may include faint glow similar to the ember colors used else where.
- Kirunhound: Horns and scales may be replaced with charred material. Additional charred material may be added to the head, face and neck. Manes and leg feathering may be turned into flames.
- Popokee: Plants, horns and tusks may be replaced with charred material. Additional charred material may be added to the back, and top of tail. Manes may be turned into flames, additional smoke may drift around the Popokee.
- Balikin: All Tail Traits may have large charred material at the tip. All horns, spikes and claws may also be replaced with charred material. Wings may add a trailing fiery glow to the edges, and eyes may take on a solid glow in the same color as the embers.
Shattered (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of July
The quietly broken and reformed shine the brightest.
Shattered alters the color of the coat, turning it white with an optional color tint. Optionally, 20% of the original base coat may show through in a single patch. All but one marking will be hidden, and this visible marking is picked by the player from those avilable on the Geno.
An additional marking that creates organic cracking anywhere along the body, forming sharp angles or rough bumpy cracks in design and can include soft faded areas alongside the more solid marking. This marking will take on a golden accent, and can have gradients its in color range across all areas, the one additional marking that shows will also take on this quality.
- Kirunhound: Horns, hooves, teeth and scales may also take on a pure metallic accent with gradient colors, or remain normal colors. Small shards in gold may be added to the shoulder, heck or nose tip.
- Popokee: Hooves, teeth, horns and scaled plating may also take on a pure metallic accent with gradient colors, or remain normal colors. Small shards in gold may be added to the top of the head, neck or shoulders. Plant will remain their normal colors, but can take on the extra golden marking.
Antique (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of July
The hardiest survivors take on traits and patterns of ancient artifacts.
Antique alters colors of the coat, turning it faded black, grey or very dark brown. Optionally 20% of the original base coat may show through in a single patch. Markings will turn a rich orange, yellow or aged copper with green hints. Optionally markings may have soft or hard edge black outline. This outline may affect all or some markings, as well as only affect selected parts in the case of multiple part markings.
And additional marking that rings the body, neck, face, tail, front legs or back legs may appear with geometric patterns simialr to anienct pottery. This marking will also be in colors of orange, yellow or aged copper.
- Kirunhound: Horns, hooves and scales can take on aged metal tones, or remain normal colors.
- Popokee: Manes and plants may take on aged metal tones, or remain natural.
Game Bird (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of September
The proud and preening will gain the marks of royal birds.
Game Bird allows for either the front half or back half of a creature to be decorated in organic, feather like markings that can vary in size, shape and intensity. All other Markings will be hidden. Two long trailing feathers may be added within the chosen space, these may also have a small patch of feathers at the base. Trailing accents may be their own set of four unique colors outside the marking ranking range.
The additional marking may include up to four unique colors, and may blend and fade. The shape and size of the over all coverage can include broken holes that show the coat color. These holes may take on simple shapes like stars or squares.
- Kirunhound: (If Front half is picked) Ears may be replaced with a small feathered head crest or covering. (If Back half is picked) Butt and hips may be given a feathery covering that extends lightly into the tail. This should not mimic Winged Tail too much.
- Popokee: Plants can take on feather like qualities, and do not need to be within the chosen space to earn this alteration.
Salvager (Special)
This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of May.
Those that work the edge of human lands, and learn to sort and break down modern constructs will attune to the refuse they study.
Salvager alters colors of the coat, markings and other mutations, making them grayscale tones. Eyes can now be solid black. An additional unique black marking can be added to the red regions on the guide below.
- Kirunhound: Horns, hooves and scales can all be replaced with rough metal, tile, or other solid man made materials.
- Popokee: Manes can now be netting or loose fabric while hooves and any horns or teeth can be rough metal, tile or other solid man made materials. Plants may now be held within small pots, tins or other man made containers.
Aurin's Touch (Rare)
Adds a mane, or in the case of Balikin with natural manes, additional hanging hair accents around the face and head, all of which have a glowing effect to them. Glow can be any color.
Storyteller (Rare)
Adds runes to the Balikin's body. Markings can be any color, and include soft gradients.
Startouched (Rare)
Duplicates the Balikin’s tail, both will follow the same traits.