

Scorched (Special)

Category: Mutation

This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of March.

The ancient and worn, will still burn like embers.

Scorched allows for the addition of charred wood, stone or other organic materials to the body, as well as turning some elements into this material. All areas should be the same material, and may be any color, with some gradients or variant. These charred areas may have thin lines or spots of glowing embers within them. This glow may be any color but black or white.

An additional marking may be added around any area that contains a charred element, and will be a patchy, ash like area that is darker or lighter than the coat color, and may include faint glow similar to the ember colors used else where.

  • Kirunhound: Horns and scales may be replaced with charred material. Additional charred material may be added to the head, face and neck. Manes and leg feathering may be turned into flames.
  • Popokee: Plants, horns and tusks may be replaced with charred material. Additional charred material may be added to the back, and top of tail. Manes may be turned into flames, additional smoke may drift around the Popokee.
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