

Snowflake (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds soft, wispy geometric shapes that connect across the back. Smaller patterns may drift across the rest of the body.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Giftwrapper (Uncommon)

Category: Marking

Changes up to three other markings on a character to be shiny material of any color.

Optional: One marking may have a cut paper edge.

Color: Alters other markings into any color, each marking affected should only be a single solid color outside the metallic affects.

Note::This is a Special marking and can not be used for Starter Citizen creation, and will not be availableĀ  for items that allow changing of Markings into others.

Note: While this will be a Marking available to all species in the future, it currently can only be added to Kirunhound and Popokee currently.


Wise (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds a circle mark to the head that rings the eyes. May also create a streak along the neck and chest that extends to the fingers and edge of wings.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Windy (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds long solid streaks that run along the body, face or wings.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Spiral (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds Distinct banding that circles the body and wings. Marking should be relatively even in shape, but may vary in size across the body.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Ripple (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds a splotchy cover to the top of the body, and across wings. Marking may run from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, or only cover some of this space.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.

Color Splash

Color Splash (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds a solid, soft area with a single bright color to roughly 50% of the body and wings.
Color: Any color but pure white and pure black.

Sky Tiger

Sky Tiger (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds natural striping on the upper side of the Balikinā€™s body, this marking does not carry over into the wings.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: Marking may fade as it reaches the belly, or remain solid.


Koi (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds black spotting, streaks or barring across the back and tail.
Color: Black.
Optional: A brightly colored mask may be added to the face, or accent a small amount of the black markings.


Brushed (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds horizontal striping with hooked edges across the body. These may be hard or soft edged.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.

Warrior Type

Warrior Type (Uncommon)

Category: Horn Type
Species: Kirunhound

Long, sharp with a kink roughly half way.

Healer Type

Healer Type (Uncommon)

Category: Horn Type
Species: Kirunhound

Short, stubby. Can be edged or smooth.


Boxed (Uncommon)

Category: Body Type
Species: Kirunhound

Sharp, even angles from shoulder to front paw, and butt to hoof when standing. Stomach does not round out at all.


Bull (Uncommon)

Category: Body Type
Species: Kirunhound

Massive front chest and neck, with an even slope from top of head to butt. Jawline should be even with back hip.


Hill (Uncommon)

Category: Body Type
Species: Kirunhound

Graceful curve from butt to chest. Narrow waist, but prominent back leg thighs.


Drifter (Uncommon)

Category: Head Type
Species: Popokee

Resemble manatees and seacows, with rough skin and rounded faces. May have whiskers. Will always have muzzle nostrils, instead of blowholes.

North Head

North Head (Uncommon)

Category: Head Type
Species: Balikin

Share more mammalian traits, with a blunt face shape and have areas of dense fur along the jaw and muzzle. Fur can be a different range of the coat color.

South Head

South Head (Uncommon)

Category: Head Type
Species: Balikin

Share more avian traits, and have a solid beak on the upper jaw, with a flexible smooth lower jaw with normal teeth, upper jaw does not require teeth. Southern Balikin may have small colorful feathers on the top of the head, these should not resemble a crest, and instead by spread out and varied.

East Head

East Head (Uncommon)

Category: Head Type
Species: Balikin

Share more reptilian traits, and may have subtle scaling around the eyes, and sides of neck. East Balikin will have a smooth patch starting at the chin and running to the chest.

West Head

West Head (Uncommon)

Category: Head Type
Species: Balikin

Share more mammalian traits, and have areas of dense fur, either along the chin, cheeks, or brow area. May have thin whiskers anywhere on the face. Fur will be the same color as the coat areas around it.

86 results found.