Frosted (Common)
Adds a soft gradient on the back and top of head.
Colors: White. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: May affect scale color.
Paint (Common)
Adds a soft gradient on face and front legs.
Color: Additional color from the base coat color range.
Spotted (Common)
Adds clean edge spotting over the body. These can be uniform, clumped or alternate and vary in size. Spotted should not create unnatural patterns or marking trails.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: May carry over into scales.
Tipped (Common)
Adds a sharp edged making to the face, ears, and/or toes.
Color: Black. Darker shade of coat color.
Optional: Can cover only one or two of the listed areas.
Optional: Mane and tail may have clean edged tipped ends in the same color.
Underside (Common)
Adds a marking to the underside. Can be hard or soft edged. Small gaps may break up the marking.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: Eye spots of the same color may be added to the face.
Chevron (Uncommon)
Adds a series of sharp V like markings on the body, legs or face.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Full Tiger (Uncommon)
Adds natural striping over the whole body and face, or adds striping in patches.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: May carry over into scales.
Masked (Uncommon)
Adds a solid gradient to the whole head, ears and neck.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Socks (Uncommon)
Adds a soft or hard edged marking to all four legs.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: Can cover any number of feet, leaving some the natural coat color.
Leopard (Rare)
Adds enlongated rings with two colors across the back, face and tail. Rings will have darker outlines, with lighter centers.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: Small darker dotting may accent between rings.
Lumi (Rare)
Adds circular neon markings to the forehead and front chest.
Colors: Any bright color.
Optional: Single rings may be added to face and front legs. Natural shaping may be added along the back. (Markings must all be the same, this sample just shows different ideas for shape types.)
Garden (Rare)
Adds a two tone marking along the head, back and tail. A soft gradient base, with clean edge cracking on top. Designer may pick which is lighter and which is darker between these two parts.
Color: Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Badger (Rare)
Adds streaks to the face and upper chest, and white stripes along the back
Colors: White. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: May carry over into scales.
Marbled (Rare)
Add two tone blotchy markings across the whole body. Markings may be dark bases with lighter center, light bases with darker center.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
This marking does not affect scale color.
Merle (Rare)
Adds darker and lighter variations of the base coat to the body. This may cover smaller portions, or the whole body.
Color: Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
This marking does not affect scale color.