

Finned (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds a shark or sailfish like fin on back, fins can be tipped if markings allow.


Mountain (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds rocky structures to raise up a Popokee’s plant. Mountain mutations will be either darker or lighter in color than their coat colors, and may be affected by markings.


Fish (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds small colorful fins along the body and legs. The number and design of these fins is up to the player.


Rooted (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds tendrils of roots along the tail.

Tropical Marks

Tropical Marks (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Allows all shown markings to be brightly colored, ignoring set color rules. Each marking must be a single solid color.


Scripted (Special)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Causes the Popokee’s personal symbol to appear as bright markings across the body instead of externally. Minimum of two places need to be marked, and may appear in any size or color.


Allseer (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Adds an additional set of eyes to the Balikin’s face. Eyes may be the same or different to the core eyes, and be different colors.

Dragon's Soul

Dragon's Soul (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Converts a Balikin’s wings into a four legged body type. Small flaps may still be present on the under arms. All markings and accents may treat these as either wings or legs when designing.


Jeweled (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Adds a large gemstone to the forehead of the Balikin, these items can be smooth, rough, or shaped, but should avoid looking too much like a horn. Gems can be any color, and display textures and variations.


Moontouched (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Duplicates the Balikin’s head. Both will follow the same traits, but may have different eye colors.


Sorrow (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Turns all markings black, or deep shades of grey. May also de-saturate the coat color.


Startouched (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Duplicates the Balikin’s tail, both will follow the same traits.


Storyteller (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Adds runes to the Balikin's body. Markings can be any color, and include soft gradients.


Patchwork (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Adds geometric patches across the body that affect both the coat color and the color of any Markings they cover. This effect can be white or black, and can be varied in intensity.

Aurin's Touch

Aurin's Touch (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Adds a mane, or in the case of Balikin with natural manes, additional hanging hair accents around the face and head, all of which have a glowing effect to them. Glow can be any color.


Stained (Special)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Turns all flesh, including tongue and nostrils, a bright neon color. May add gentle gradients of that color to the thinner flesh areas of wings.


Undying (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Adds patches of exposed bone and flesh to a Balikin.


Gryph (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Balikin

Gives a Balikin large and dangerous claws on all fingers and toes, along with prominent teeth that overhang the jaw.


Salvager (Special)

Category: Mutation

This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of May.

Those that work the edge of human lands, and learn to sort and break down modern constructs will attune to the refuse they study.

Salvager alters colors of the coat, markings and other mutations, making them grayscale tones. Eyes can now be solid black. An additional unique black marking can be added to the red regions on the guide below.

  • Kirunhound: Horns, hooves and scales can all be replaced with rough metal, tile, or other solid man made materials.
  • Popokee: Manes can now be netting or loose fabric while hooves and any horns or teeth can be rough metal, tile or other solid man made materials. Plants may now be held within small pots, tins or other man made containers.


Pastoral (Special)

Category: Mutation

This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of May.

Those that roam the wild land and sea will attune to the lowest and most versatile of plant life during the time of growth.

Pastoral alters the colors of all coats, markings and mutations, making them pastel tones or toning other natural colors down to a lighter, more soft range. Optionally, eyes may take on this soft color, or remain brightly colored.

  • Kirunhound: All scales can now be lightly broken up at the edges and have added moss or small mushrooms. Horns may also have a single mushroom or plant growth.
  • Popokee: All manes can now be replaced with lush grass and reed in place of hair or fur, Popokee with No Mane trait may instead place a single tiny grass patch within the mane range. Additional algae will grow near their plant, adding a green, blue or white space nearby in a solid shape, or a soft gradient.
352 results found.