
Fertile (Rare)

Category: Skills

15% chance of twins during breeding. (Twin effect will clone one random offspring with the same coat color/markings/traits. Sex and mutations will still be uniquely rolled for this twin.)

Hungry (Rare)

Category: Skills

Character enjoys food.  Character gets 10% boost to Culinary Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.

When a FOOD item is attched in a Gathering, will add +2 commom gathering item on a roll.

Steel Foot (Rare)

Category: Skills

Character will re-roll a missed attack once per battle. Character gets a 10% boost to Weaponsmithing Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.

Mystic Vision (Rare)

Category: Skills

Character is in tune with the otherworldly. Character gets a 10% boost to Alchemy Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.

When an AETHER item is attched in a Gathering, will add +2 commom gathering item on a roll.

Honor Student (Rare)

Category: Skills

Character will re-roll a missed attack once per battle. Character gets a 10% boost to Science Crafting when included in the optional creative submission.


Baby (Rare)

Category: Coat Color
Species: Popokee

Light base coat that be a more saturated than normal, with an added flesh tone that can show on the face, chest, underbelly, tail base,and feet. Two locations must be covered, beyond that the range of the flesh tones is up to the designer.

Ancient Ice Coat

Ancient Ice Coat (Rare)

Category: Coat Color
Species: Balikin

Any Common coat with a white gradient that covers up to %25 of the body and wings.


Banded (Rare)

Category: Coat Color
Species: Popokee

Splits the coat into three equal parts, using two areas of one coat color, and one of another coat color. This may use any basic range, minus Abyssal and Baby.

Pearl Coat

Pearl Coat (Rare)

Category: Coat Color
Species: Kirunhound

Any color range, with a lighter overlay. May have slightly ligher white undersides.

Ash Coat

Ash Coat (Rare)

Category: Coat Color
Species: Kirunhound

Any color range, with a darker overlay. May have slightly darker black undersides.

Ancient Fire Coat

Ancient Fire Coat (Rare)

Category: Coat Color
Species: Balikin

Any Common coat with a black gradient that covers up to %25 of the body and wings.


Snowspot (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Covers the whole body with a white base, leaving spotting that shows the coat color underneath.
Color: White.


Seabed (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds patterns in flowing lines across the whole body. These can be soft edged, hard edged, or a mix of both. Striping may vary in size and shape, and some bumpy or soft point edges can be present. This marking can cover up to 50% of the body and can appear anywhere.  A few small holes may show the original coat color underneath.
Color: Any colors can be used, but should stay desaturated and generally in the same color range.
Optional: May alter the color of plants and other Mutation accents where it touches.

Designed by Hoata


Leopard (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds enlongated rings with two colors across the back, face and tail. Rings will have darker outlines, with lighter centers.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: Small darker dotting may accent between rings.


Spotty (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds rows of small round spots across the whole body and wings.
Colors: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Sandstone (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds fine point speckles across the whole body, in varying intensities.
Color: Any single color.


Mud (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds soft blotches around the wings, and feet. Small spotted accents may line the edge.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: Color may fade between different tones across the whole marking.

Water Cat

Water Cat (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds an irregular white bar across the lower body, and tail. Mane and any fur accents will be red/orange if this marking is present.
Color: White. Lighter shade of coat color.


Malachite (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds blotchy circular markings with two tones across the whole body, that can vary in sizing.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Color: Inner and Outer spaces will also be the same color across the marking, and may either be darker on the outside, or lighter on the outside.
Optional: Small dots of both colors may stray outside the main markings.


Lumi (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds circular neon markings to the forehead and front chest.
Colors: Any bright color.
Optional: Single rings may be added to face and front legs. Natural shaping may be added along the back. (Markings must all be the same, this sample just shows different ideas for shape types.)

95 results found.